Wednesday, September 19, 2018

YFC Visit - Tayla Field

Our 2018 YFC was Tayla Field and we were extremely excited that she would be visiting us as a part of The 2018 Archibul Prize. Tayla visited our school on Monday the 8th June.


For those of you who don't know Tayla  she is a graduate Horticulturalist who currrently works forone Harvest and travels between Tasmania and Queensland. Tayla wasn't bought up in rural Australia but instead Sydney and didn't have any agricultural background. Her first interest in Agriculture was the veggie patch at High School in years 10 and 11. When Tayla  finished school she was unsure about what she would study and went onto University and did an Environmental Science Degree which introduced her to The Agricultural Industry. While at University this was where she was introduced to agriculture and changed her degree to and Agricultural Science Degree.

Taylah studied Agricultural Science at Griffith and looked at farming, growing and cropping. She undertook a research project for one year studying cotton. But her first introduction to Horticulture was om a field trip in New Zealand where they looked at different farms and the climate. This was a field that she was interested in and wwanted to be a part of.

Since Taylah has left University she has worked in many different Industries. These have included the cotton, cattle and sheep yards.

To understand our industry Taylah spoke about the meaning of Haorticulture. She told us that is was a very broad term "Everything that grows" flowers, fruit and vegetables and nuts.

Her current position is a graduate horticullturalist with One Harvest where she has been working in Tasmania learning about the harvesting process of spinach, coral lettuce and rocket. Her first job was on the harvesting team in tasmania where she worked on getting crops ready, harvesting and in the factory. Her second job was bagging and packing the spinach.

Do you know how long it takes to pack a box of lettuces/ spinach ? It takes approx. 20 secs
Do you know why the bags of lettuce and spinach are packed upside down? So you can see the use by dates.

Her third job has been talking to supermarkets like Coles and Woolworths about their orders.

We also learn't about the many careers available in the agriculture Industry and how today due to technological advancements there are many new career opportunities available.

Food Waste was another area that we were interested in learning more about.  Tayla talked about how organisations like Food bank are utilising any foods that are left over.  Ugly fruit or vegetables these are the fruit or vegetables that aren't perfectly shaped or coloured. Woolies now has changed their marketing and are selling ugly fruit at  cheaper prizes and with different packaging.

                                             "Ugly Fruit , Same but different."

Root to Stem Movement is another program to reduce the amount of waste and increase your savings. This is done by eating the entire fruit or vegetable. For example watermelon rind, potato skin, carrot top dip and broccoli stalks.

Biosecurity  was another topic that we talked about and impact it has on farmers. Protecting our farms from pests and disease by having procedures in place on our farms so that we can eliminate any risks to our crops.

                             " Stop at the gate, protect your mate"


Tayla spoke to us about "The Rippa" and "The Swagbot" two automated machines that will helpt to make farming easierin the future.

Tayla loves working in an Industry where she can educate children about the process of food production as well as encouraging children to eat a range of fruits and vegetables.

Did you know that 95% of young children aged betwen 2 and 18 years don't eat enough vegetables. This is something that we can all work on to improve and we at Gwynneville hope that our 2018 entry in The Archibull Prize will help get children interested in eating more fruits and vegetables.

Tayla's visit to our school was lots of fun she provided us with a great insight into her job with One harvest and The Horticultural Industry.

We loved the hands on activity where we were packing and unpacking boxes of Rocket.


Tayla also explained Biosecurity in a way that we were able to understand.
Tayla had  set up two trays one with paint and the other with water. The boys stepped into the trays and then walked along the butchers paper to show how the transfer of dirt  can occur on a farm.

Eating a Rainbow everyday is something that Tayla would like all children to be doing each and everyday. Eating a balanced diet should always have a range of colours on the one plate..

We asked Tayla to answer the following questions to help us with our blog posts.

We really enjoye listening to Tayla and learning about her journey so far. We really appreciate that she was able to travel to Wollongong and spend some time talking with us.




Horticulture tayla field from TracyDevlin2

The video  shows some of the question time that students had with Tayla when she visited our school.

Archibull Animation

We have worked so hard  and as aTeam to get our animation done by the due date.
We have had so much fun working with our classmates to come up with ideas for our animation on Biosecurity. We hope you enjoy watching it as much s we have enjoyed making it.

Gwynneville Animation Team


Farm Online
CSIRO  - Renewable Energies
The Australian Newspaper
The Land Newspaper
AEKids: What is renewable Energy
Sydney Morning Herald - Geothermal Heating
Sydney Fruit Markets
Leisure Coast fruit and Veg
Woolworths Wollongong
Tayla Field
World Vision
SBS News - Food security
The Conversation
Archibull Prize website and newsletters

Thank You

We would like to say a Big Thank You to the following  people

Lynne Strong and her team working on The Archibull
Wendy Taylor - The Art Judge
Tayla Field our YFC
Gwynneville Public School Community - Staff and Students
Illawarra and Shoalhaven Area Health
Woolworths Wollongong
Gwynneville Canteen
The Horticulture Industry

What we have learn't?

Throughout our journey we have learn't many things about the Horticulture Industry. Below are some the responses from 6P

Lokka                        "I have learn't abour Horticulture, Agriculture, Bees, Fruit and vegetables,
                                    drought and Climate  Change."
Meiamain                 " I have learn't about droughts and Climate Change."
Tabby                        " I learn't about bees and farmers and the causes and impact of Climate
Shi Lee                      " When we went to Woolworths I learn't about the process of food and what
                                     happens when it comes to our stores."
Sienna                        "One of the things that I have learn't during The Archibull is that there are
                                     many  different careers in Agriculture such s Horticulturalists."
Leighton                    "I have learn't about bees and how important they are to the fruit and vegetable
Lucy                           "During the Archibull I learn't about Horticulture"
Sophia                        " I learn't that there are  a lot of different jobs in the Horticulture Industry'"
Molly                          " I learn't that being a Horticulturalist could possibly be a job for me in the    
Ali                               "I learn't about making designs and helped with the design of our cow."
Taylah                         " Ilearn't how important the Horticulture industry in terms of our food
Darcy                         " I learn't about the importance of The Horticulture Industry."
Semee                        "I learn't about all the different machines used in farming and the procees of
                                    food from the farm to the supermarket."
Abbey                        "I learn't many things during the Archibull Prize one my  things that I learnt
                                  was when we were at wolloworths and the diufferents sections for foods."


What I have you enjoyed about being a part of the Archibull this year

Lokka                   " I liked doing the play, but only the singing part."
Meiamain            " I enjoyed the play."
Riley                     " I enjoyed being a nut and spices in the play. I also enjoyed learning about
Cody                     " Ienjoyed being a bee in the play."
Tabby                    " I enjoyed making my board game fruits and vegetables which was a remake of
                                snakes and ladders."
Shi Lee                 " I enjoyed our YFC Visit with Tayla Field, making the clay bees, performing our
                                play and parody."
Sienna                 "During the Archibull I have enjoye many things my favourites were being narrator
                                in the play and learning about the farming industry."
Leighton             "I enjoyed the play and doing the animation on Biosecurity"
Jonah                   "I enjoyed making the animation and using photoshop as it was lots of fun"
Lucy                     "Ienjoyed having a main character in the play about our Archibull Journey."
Sophia                  "The play was so much fun."
Molly                   "I enjoyed being in theplay and singing with my friends."
Ali                        " I enjoyed decorating the cow."
Taylah                 "I enjoyed painting the cow."
Darcy                   " I really enjoye the paly and perforing it."
Semee                  "I really enjoyed the farmers day as well as making and singing the parody."
Abbey                   "The things I enjoyed about the Archibull most were painting and designing the
                               cow.I was lucky enough to be able to paint the cows head and helped come up
                                with her name DEMETER."


Finished Archie

Our Finished cow for judging

                                                                 Isn't she beautiful ?

                         The link below shows Meiamain talking about our 2018 Archibull Entry


                         Below is our Art Analysis that talks aboutour inspirations for our design



Healthy Communities are a Shared Responsibility

"A Healthy Community is one the encapsulates both the health of people and place where people can be physically healthy and live in a neighbourhood that is thriving socially environmentally and economically." Archibull.

Everyone has the right to healthy, affordable food as well as clean air and water, shelter, peace, education,income, a stable ecosystem, sustainable resources and socialjustice and equity.  These are all prerequistes for health as mentioned in The Ottawa Charter.
This can be influenced by people and communities.

Farmers have a huge role to play in healthy communities as they are the backbone of our food chain. They need to provide good quality fruit and vegetables at reasonable prices so that everyone can afford to buy them.

Therefore the practices of farmers can have a huge impact on all communities. Our governments need to support them and provide for them in times of need. Scientist are also a part of the web trying to come up with plants that can withstand environmental conditions as well as being of high quality.

Having a healthy community means we need to consider the land that we live on and use, the people living on it, the animals and birds, the air that we breathe and the water that we use. We need to understand all these components and ensure that at all times we are managing any risks that may arise. Risks that could affect our food systems could be pests and diseases, land and water degradation and Climate Change.

This is not something that farmers can do on their own, this is something that we all need to work
together on "as many hands make light work." The more people that we can educate about working together, this is one step closer to achieving this goal.

We as young learners can play an important role, the following  are some of the things that we have discussed as a class that we could do
  • reducing landfill by reducing reusing and recycling
  • not using plastic bags
  • not wasting water, shorter shoers, turning the tap off, using bath water to water plants
  • eating a healthy diet lots of fruit and vegetables
  • exercise healthy, healthy mind
  • Learning, having an open mind to new things
  • switching lights off when not being used
  • Discussing at home about our farmers and buying fresh produce.

    Therefore we believe that Healthy Communities are a shared responsibilty, like a team where
    everyone has there part to play.

Photos of our Journey

Our Journey this year was very challenging. We worked as a team we agreed and we disagreed. We  researched and we discusssed. We questioned and we changed. But overall we were a team.

The following powerpoint shows Archies transformation

Our changing archie from TracyDevlin2

                                               We hope you like our finished product


"DEM - E - TER"
Greek Goddess

The Strawberry Crisis

The Strawberry Needle Crisis has had a massive impact on our farmers in The Fruit and Vegetable Industry.
As this crisis continues it is havinga huge impact on farmers who are losing profits  and reputation.

What type of person would do this putting people in harm and ruining people lives.

Each day we are hearing more reports of fruit being affected and the massive stockpiles of strawberries being thrown away.

Prime Ministers and politicians have been speaking out changing laws and offering rewards,but when will it end. Haven't our farmers been through enough already. Dealing with the worst drought in 100 years and now having to get the strength to overcome this crisis.

We all need to support our farmers and

Biosecurity A Shared Responsibility

This year, as a class  we decided to do our animation topic on  Biosecurity and Horticulture.

 Biosecurity is a topic that many primary students don't really understand or know much about the topic.

We brainstormed ideas and reasearched information about Biosecurity in Horticulture..

We completed a What I already Know and  What I want to learn chart to give us ideas for what we needed to include.



"Procedures or measures designed to protect the population against harmful biological or biochemical substances."

In Australia, Biosecurity has played a critical role in reducing risks and shaping our nation to become one of the few countries in the world to remain free from the world’s most severe pests and diseases.

Farm Biosecurity

Farm biosecurity is a set of measures designed to protect farms from the spread and entry of pests and diseases. It is everyone's responsibility to make sure that it doesn’t happen.                              


Effects of no biosecurity

If you enter a farm when you’ve been overseas without washing and changing clothes you can bring new things from the country you went to and spread it onto the farm. Farm animals are very different to us. If they get exposed to new bacteria and diseases it is life threatening for them.

So remember when going to a farm
                                                                 Won’t kill animals

                                                                 Always stay clean

                                                                 Smell nice

                                                                 Horticulture is safe


Our plan was to show that Biosecurity is something that we all need to follow to ensure the safety of our crops and  our livestock. We  have made an animation about Biosecurity and Horticulture,.

Our script

Our characters for the animation was an easy choice Potato Heads. We had some fun coming up with characters.

Our backdrop would be set on a farm with the all of the poato heads as characters.

 We used the programs photoshop and  imove to make our animation.

Below is our script outlining the important things that we all need to do and follow in termof Biosecurity and Horticulture


Remember Biosecurity is A Shared Responsibilty .

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

6P Assembly Item - Horticulture

On Friday 14th September our class  performed an Assembly item. Our item was about our Archibull Journey.

We performed a short play about Horticulture and "everything that grows", sang a song from The Lorax about trees, talked about our Archie and performed some of our parodys.

Here is the link to watch our performance

The Global Garden

 The Global Garden was one of the many resources that we used to  help come up with our Archie's design. It covered "Everything that Grows."

Food Waste

                        "Food waste is food that is intended for consumption that is discarded
                                           along the food supply chain and cannot be used."

Food Waste in Australia has been highlighted by The ABC's Program War on Waste. In Australia almost half of the fruit and vegetables that are produced by our farmers are wasted. War om waste should be commended for highlighting waste issue to consumers.

There are many reasons as to why we waste food is thrown away. On farms waste can occur durinng farming, harvesting, storage, processing, transporting, at market and in our homes.

This has become a national problem and one that we all need to take a stand against. There is so much to gain from minimising food waste in Australia,
  • Increased economic opportunities
  • Reduced cost for businesses
  • Reduced waste management disposal fees
  • Increased profits by converting ingredients that are saved
  • Reduced costs for households
  • Reduced evironmental impacts from greenhouse emissions
  • Improved food security

Australia is one of the highest waste producing nations.Producing 18 million tonnes per year which is equal to 3 million garbage trucks filled with compacted rubbish.

Many of our Fruit and Vegetable farmers are finding ways that they can use excess produce instead of wasting it.  In Australia 20 -40% of all Fruit and vegetables grown are rejected before they even reach the shops because they don't meet the  cosmetic standards of consumers.

Some innovative ideas that Australian farmers have come up with are

  • Upcycling non food products and making Bioplastics from Potato waste
  • Educating consumers about "UGLY" produce  and how we can use it instead of wasting it
  • Turning waste into a profit
  • Using Fruit and vegetable waste for 3D printing
  • Hort Innovation has funded aa number of projects to minimise Food Waste
                                1. Production of Fish Feed from vegetable waste
                                2. Serving optimum portion sizes for consumers
                                3. Suitabilty of waste for pet foods
                                4. Feasability of Banana Waste
  • Freeze Drying Rejects is a  project by Michael Buckley from Freeze Dry Industries " Joy of technology inattcking waste, because I hate the thought of us throwing out beautiful fresh fruit and vegetables."
           Freeze dried foods were once the food eaten by astronauts, but today this is a valuable outlet 
          for farmers looking to make some money using produce that would have normally gone in the
  •   From Waste to Gelato
            "We invest a lot of money and time growing, watering, fertilizing and harvesting them, so not
              only is it wasteful, but it is also  a big cost burden on The Horticulture Industry." Doriana
             Mangili from Sweeter banana Coop


           The co-op has decreased food wastage by more than 90% - maerketing second grade fruit as a
            lower cost alternativeand freezing unwanted fruit to supply a smoothie company and baking
            banana bread.

  •          Powdered Fruit
                   "When we are drying foods and powdering foods, seconds are brilliant because people
                  do not want them and I can turn them into something." Sth Australian Producer Joy White

                 Powdering and packaging of foods are sold online and at markets.

  •  Scenic Rim Vegetable Producers Kalfresh have been producing waste carrots into pre cut
           bagged shredded circle and stick alternatives.

  • Banana farmers Rob and Krista Watkins have created a product that turns banana seconds into a gluten free green banana flour product.

  • De Paoli Family are turning avacado seconds into a range of cold pressed avacado products

      Our farers are working hard to find ways to try and reduce our food waste problem. But what can
       we do ?

                 Did you know that when you throw away one burger that it wastes the same amount of
                 water as a 90 min shower.

      As a school we at Gwynneville have been trying to reduce our Carbon footprint
      Here are some of the things that we are doing to reduce waste
  • Composting - Each day students in year 5 collect the food scraps from each of the classes and take it ot our school compost heap
  • Nude Food Days -  We encorage the use of less plastic in our lunchboxes
  • Canteen Waste Station -  The canteen collects all waste and recycles it each day
  • Reduce, Reuse and Recycle is a motto that we try and use at the school each and every day.
  • Lessons about Waste - BTN and War on Waste Program
          Did you know that 8% of Greehouse gases heating the planet come from Food Waste ?

  • At Home

          The diagram below shows  what we can all do at home to help reduce the waste problem

  • Woolworths
          What about the large supermarkets like Woolworths  what are they doing about reducing the  
           Waste problem?
           1. Packing "Ugly" fruit and selling it cheaper to consumers
           2. Donate extra food to struggling families
           3. Provide food to Food Bank and Ozharvest

Therefore the problem of food waste is not only a problem facing farmers but it is a problem that everyone can help to reduce but doing simple actions each day.